Eduservices is the bearer of a new vision of private vocational education, where every young person has a leading role in his or her own training and integration into employment. Research in educational engineering occupies a prominent place and Eduservices ensures that each brand benefits.
Educational Services, Educational laboratory standard
The Educational Services laboratory of Eduservices ensures the design, production and dissemination of various training content according to a defined process, developed by our teams in the educational sciences, common to all the schools.
Step 1: Development Committee
All our concepts for new courses begin with a meeting with the professionals in the sector of activity concerned, to know the needs of future employers and to follow the evolution of their requests every year, so as to stay as close as possible to the expectations of the labour market.
Step 2: Drafting a core competency guide
The business needs issued the Development Committee are then synthesized into 3 or 4 blocks of skills: the core-competency guide. It determines the assessments which allow you to measure the level of acquisition.
Step 3: Drafting of a training guide
The core competency guide is segmented into training contents most adapted to the acquisition of the targeted vocational skills. This training guide forms the basis of courses, tutorials, vocational internships and the research work necessary for confirmation of knowledge acquired. Each year, Eduservices ensures that all its training guides are being updated and take into account the latest requests from professionals, and the input from the students and educational teams as well. This annual review of programs respects principle 2 of ENQA (European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education) and drives improvements in training content: course programs, media, evaluations.
Each curriculum gives rise to the development of our own educational tools: programs, media, evaluations, designed by our teams of internal designers at each school, specialists in their field of activity and are adapted in French and English, and for our different types of training: in-class training or e-learning.
Through our new brands (MBway, IPAC Bachelor Factory, IPAC e-learning), Eduservices implements the fruits of its research to propose training programs in sync with the requirements of the world of work and of each sector of activity. Its educational system puts the company at the heart of each school and leaves a large share of autonomy to each student.
By giving them the opportunity to move forward at their own pace, to integrate smoothly into the professional world, to choose for themselves how to organize their studies and the orientation to give them, Eduservices schools best prepare their young graduates and guarantee them a successful professional integration.
Laboratory of behavioural trends
The next goal of Eduservices: the creation of a laboratory of behavioural trends to better understand the interaction between NICT and transmission of knowledge, to adapt educational methods and to improve the quality of training.
Increase the teaching expertise of trainers and stakeholders by developing new tools for the capture and dissemination of knowledge
To study the values and behaviour of generation Y ( "digital natives") in order to adapt the educational approach of the brands
To better understand the tools of the world of NICT
To set up models for collaborative teaching, for example, by using the reverse teaching or by relying on social networks
To develop internal communication tools to improve the educational performance of educational guides