Eduservices is a major French player in the private sector of technical and higher education. The project was created in 2010 at the initiative of Philippe Grassaud, its chairman. It brings together various schools offering 2 to 5 year post-baccalaureate curricula and training for vocations in business, management, communication, personal care, and in tourism, hotels and leisure (THL).
Eduservices has 7 national brands (Ecole Internationale Tunon, Ipac Bachelor Factory, IPAC E-learning, ISCOM, MBway, Pigier Création, Pigier Performance) and 9 regional brands (AFTEC, Cap Vers, ESICAD, ESPL, IFALPES, IPAC, IPAC Design, ISIFA, Plus-Values) enabling an optimal national coverage in more than 30 cities in France.
The Eduservices commitment is to guide its 17,500 students toward the professional world, maintaining a local relationship and access to employment. Eduservices has set the objective of becoming the reference group for multidisciplinary institutional schools in the French market and for that purpose maintains a policy of investment in organic and external growth.
Eduservices brings together personalities from the world of private education who take part in its development by contributing their expertise and their business to the organization. This is structured at the level of Eduservices' assets through the Society of Educational Entrepreneurs (Compagnie des Entrepreneurs de l’Education) which encompasses the investments of these personalities.
It is in large part on the basis of this development model that the group extends its offer and its national presence. Eduservices profits from the financial and strategic support of its investor partners.