L’IPAC is the école des Pays de Savoie. State-certified, it offers BTS, Bachelor's and MBA trainings, thus opening up to students from Bac to Bac+5.

Ranked 20th in the Figaro's list of the best the business schools b for its Bachelors, the school benefits from a strong reputation among its various students and partners.

Opened in 1984, IPAC has 4 schools in Albertville, Annecy, Chambéry, Grand-Genève and Geneva and receives 3750 students.

Wishing to train its students in the international stage and to guarantee them the best possible experience, IPAC relies on nearly 50 partner universities overseas through the ERASMUS network.

Strongly anchored in the local economic fabric, the 4 schools collaborate with more than 750 regional and national companies that receive students each year as part of an internship or block release training.

IPAC also proposes:

  • IPAC DESIGN Geneva: School of Design and Visual Communication
  • IPAC Online: online platform for distance learning (Bachelor & MBA)
  • IPAC Formation Professionnelle: Professional trainings for managers and entrepreneurs







5  campuses 5 campuses
100 trainings 100 trainings
3750 students 3750 students
12000  Alumni 12000 Alumni